Feb 16, 2007

". . . I'm only passing through for a moment, but I want this moment to count"

I've finally decided to enter the world of the present and the future. Maybe I'm only passing through for a moment, but I want this moment to count. It's one I'll never be able to forget. In moments such as this, I need company. Fact is, in these moments, we need one another.

I have another newborn great-grandchild. His name is Finley Paul Templin. His Parents are John F. Templin III and Meredith Sikes Templin of Denver, Colorado. He is not our first great grandchild, but he is the first to be born, then suffer a stroke that may affect him for the rest of his life. Any crisis immediately changes the face of my family's world. Now, we live in his world.

This young boy has had an effect on me like no other in my life. I constantly think of, and write about, him and all the important things he has placed on my heart, and I have yet to see him in person, or hold him. Still, his world has become mine. The more who participate in his world, the more prayers there will be winging forth to God Almighty that His will, for young Finn, be done.

This spot will consist Mainly of my writings about him, and all the other members of our rather large circle of family, and friends. They need to go somewhere . . . why not here?

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