Feb 22, 2007

We Are Family


You are my happy daughter, in disguise.
Your public stance is, hide the tears away.
The real you is hidden deep inside
‘cause you’re not worried by what others say.

As daughters go, you’re still my little girl.
I’m aware of your talents, and your needs,
and although I will never interfere,
I will take time to plant some useful seeds.

The first seed I plant, (and long for it to grow),
is the “Realization of your worth”.
It’s not the intentional dark secret
pushed into darkest shadows since your birth.

You need only count your many blessings
to get the answer I already see.
Children, career, and a first-rate education
will carry you to where you want to be.

The second seed I plant, with all my love,
is the “Backing of your parents” in your quest.
Daily problems are a dime–a-dozen;
your successes list you, now, among the best!

You never wasted any of our support.
You traveled well your own thought-out right way
into a world where you could carve your mark,
and that spot became the place where you can stay.

The only seed missing is “Companion”,
and it’s not one your daddy has to plant.
Recognizing ALL your abilities
to make good-choices,
is one that I did grant.

In a nut-shell, my darling grown-up daughter,
is all the hope and love I have to give.
Whatever you amount to in this life
will hold more delightful times than you can live.

© John F. Templin
Created-2/22/2007 10:21:17 AM
Edited-Completed-2/22/2007 12:32:04 PM

1 comment:

Patti said...

Thank you so much for the new poem, Daddy. You know me very well indeed because I have no secrets from you. I have always and will forever seek the wisdom of your words and the comfort of your gentle and "knowing" heart. I LOVE YOU!!!